You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
197 lines
5.6 KiB
197 lines
5.6 KiB
import Vue from 'vue' |
import Router from 'vue-router' |
Vue.use(Router) |
/* Layout */ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
/** |
* Note: 路由配置项 |
* |
* hidden: true // 当设置 true 的时候该路由不会再侧边栏出现 如401,login等页面,或者如一些编辑页面/edit/1 |
* alwaysShow: true // 当你一个路由下面的 children 声明的路由大于1个时,自动会变成嵌套的模式--如组件页面 |
* // 只有一个时,会将那个子路由当做根路由显示在侧边栏--如引导页面 |
* // 若你想不管路由下面的 children 声明的个数都显示你的根路由 |
* // 你可以设置 alwaysShow: true,这样它就会忽略之前定义的规则,一直显示根路由 |
* redirect: noRedirect // 当设置 noRedirect 的时候该路由在面包屑导航中不可被点击 |
* name:'router-name' // 设定路由的名字,一定要填写不然使用<keep-alive>时会出现各种问题 |
* query: '{"id": 1, "name": "ry"}' // 访问路由的默认传递参数 |
* roles: ['admin', 'common'] // 访问路由的角色权限 |
* permissions: ['a:a:a', 'b:b:b'] // 访问路由的菜单权限 |
* meta : { |
noCache: true // 如果设置为true,则不会被 <keep-alive> 缓存(默认 false) |
title: 'title' // 设置该路由在侧边栏和面包屑中展示的名字 |
icon: 'svg-name' // 设置该路由的图标,对应路径src/assets/icons/svg |
breadcrumb: false // 如果设置为false,则不会在breadcrumb面包屑中显示 |
activeMenu: '/system/user' // 当路由设置了该属性,则会高亮相对应的侧边栏。 |
} |
*/ |
// 公共路由 |
export const constantRoutes = [ |
{ |
path: '/redirect', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: '/redirect/:path(.*)', |
component: () => import('@/views/redirect') |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/login', |
component: () => import('@/views/login'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/register', |
component: () => import('@/views/register'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/404', |
component: () => import('@/views/error/404'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/401', |
component: () => import('@/views/error/401'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: 'index', |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'index', |
component: () => import('@/views/index'), |
name: 'Index', |
meta: { title: '首页', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/user', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
redirect: 'noredirect', |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'profile', |
component: () => import('@/views/system/user/profile/index'), |
name: 'Profile', |
meta: { title: '个人中心', icon: 'user' } |
} |
] |
} |
] |
// 动态路由,基于用户权限动态去加载 |
export const dynamicRoutes = [ |
{ |
path: '/system/user-auth', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['system:user:edit'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'role/:userId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/system/user/authRole'), |
name: 'AuthRole', |
meta: { title: '分配角色', activeMenu: '/system/user' } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/system/role-auth', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['system:role:edit'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'user/:roleId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/system/role/authUser'), |
name: 'AuthUser', |
meta: { title: '分配用户', activeMenu: '/system/role' } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/system/dict-data', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['system:dict:list'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'index/:dictId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/system/dict/data'), |
name: 'Data', |
meta: { title: '字典数据', activeMenu: '/system/dict' } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/monitor/job-log', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['monitor:job:list'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'index/:jobId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/job/log'), |
name: 'JobLog', |
meta: { title: '调度日志', activeMenu: '/monitor/job' } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/tool/gen-edit', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['tool:gen:edit'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'index/:tableId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/tool/gen/editTable'), |
name: 'GenEdit', |
meta: { title: '修改生成配置', activeMenu: '/tool/gen' } |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/system/user-auth', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
permissions: ['system:user:edit'], |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'authData/:userId(\\d+)', |
component: () => import('@/views/system/user/authData'), |
name: 'authData', |
meta: { title: '分配数据权限', activeMenu: '/system/user/authData' } |
} |
] |
} |
] |
// 防止连续点击多次路由报错 |
let routerPush = Router.prototype.push; |
let routerReplace = Router.prototype.replace; |
// push |
Router.prototype.push = function push(location) { |
return, location).catch(err => err) |
} |
// replace |
Router.prototype.replace = function push(location) { |
return, location).catch(err => err) |
} |
export default new Router({ |
mode: 'history', // 去掉url中的# |
scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }), |
routes: constantRoutes |